Thursday, December 18, 2014

SeaWorld (Final)

My final project was very stressful because I had to use my time wisely and I couldn't take my time on this project, I had to get it done within an hour and a half. Pretty much this video was to test me how fast I could make a journalism video and how well I could make a video within the given time. I think I did pretty well with this project even though I had missed out on a few things like 2 transitions I was supposed to have. I was given a few clips about SeaWorld, some music, nat noises, some examples and voiceovers that were already made. It was nice that I already had some clips and voiceovers, it saved a lot of time. Along the way I just learned how to work faster with specific clips and voiceovers and I also reviewed my shortcut keys like J, Space Bar and K. I liked the project overall but I thought I could use just 15-20 minutes more to work, other than that I think it should be used for next year's final (For sophomores).

Friday, December 5, 2014

Process of Blood Drive at ONWHS

This project was to tell the story of the blood drive at ONW. I felt better about this project than the first one because I had more of a story to tell and I could ask more of a variety of questions. I also had a partner to come up with some of the questions, so it all wasn't just me by myself. Along the way, I learned how to interview better and get people to answer more specifically. Collaboration wasn't much different because I was pretty much by myself again. Next time, I will try to ask a more variety of questions and I will try to get more varieties of shots too. As for keeping things the same, I will try to keep the volumes of voices the same.

To enhance my project next time I will try to get my interviewers to answer more specifically. My overall thoughts on this are doing pretty good. I actually liked this project better than the lego video. I feel like I did better on this one and I feel more confident about this video.

Lego Day!

So, I'm not too sure if I liked this project for journalism. It was kind of difficult to tell a story off of this specific subject. This was pretty easy to film for the most part because all you had to do was ask some questions and film however you like, I did not like having the camera off the tripod though. I really didn't have to plan anything for this project. No storyboarding, planning ahead or anything. The main idea of the project was to tell a story about a person building legos. The editing of the film was probably the easiest editing I have ever done in a project to be honest, it took only about an hour to put this video together. A little too easy of a project. I think I really could have been better off with a more challenging project. The only thing challenging about this was it was a little hard to get my partner to say what I wanted him to say.

Along the way I learned how to position myself while making a video for journalism. I got my camera to stay pretty still and that's one thing I feel proud about. Next time though, I would change up my script for my voice overs. My voice overs aren't the best in this video. I would keep my variety of shots next time though. Next time, I will use the same type of shots for my next video to make my next one better. Overall, I'm not too sure about this video. I feel like it could have been a bit better but it's pretty good for my first journalism video.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Music Video (Professional Edit)

          This music video was probably the best project we had done yet! It was really fun to make with my group. My group and I chose this song because we all liked Michael Jackson and this song seemed really simple to make a story along. We also really enjoyed the song itself because it had a good beat and it seemed really fun to act in. This music video actually took a while to put together, the story boarding didn't take too long it was just all the acting that took a while because we were doing the whole song which is 3 minutes long. We had to pick our song, storyboard and sketch then fill out a packet with all the copyright information, then we started acting and edited. It wasn't that hard to prepare overall.

          While I was making my video, I learned how to use my iris ring and how to make long shots that are about 20 seconds long, into short shots. Now with my group, the collaboration was absolutely great. It was very easy to get along with them, we all had fun in the making and yet we still stayed on topic and got things turned in on time. Although, next time I will edit our story board as we change things up in the acting. Later in the future projects, I will probably keep getting long shots that are 15 seconds or so long because it is better to have more than what you need. To make my project better next time, I will try to get more of a variety of shots such as a worm's eye, bird's eye or even a tilt. But overall, I feel like this was one of the better projects we have done. It was really fun in the making and my group was really fun to hang around which made the project even better than all the other projects I have done before. Definitely a 100 percent thumbs up for this project!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Music Video (Compressed)

This video was very difficult to work with because the video was very hard to compress from three minutes to ninety seconds. I had to cut out a lot of clips and add in a lot of transition slides so the story could be told within ninety seconds. I feel like there is too many transition slides in the compressed version, about every 10 seconds is a transition which averaged out to be about 15 transition slides throughout the whole video. The markers were hard to deal with because the clips would be too short and would make the video look a little funky being cut at the markers. The easiest part of the video was deleting all the clips in the scenes that weren't necessary and also making the clips shorter and deleting all the unnecessary time that was being used in clips. The collaboration improved with this because we had to help each other cut out half our video when we were all struggling. I really enjoyed my group, they were a lot of fun to work with and we got done on time too. Working with my group was probably the most fun I had during the making of this film.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Music Video

I thought that the music video idea was a great idea for an assignment in video, it was fun, easy, a little time consuming but overall it was fantastic. We chose this song because we thought it would be fun and easy to do. Working together as a group went amazing and we all got along very well because   we all made ideas together and built ideas off of others' ideas the collaboration was probably the best part of making this video. I probably enjoyed just working with my group the most out of everything I did in this video, my group was a lot of fun. The story of the video is of a high school boy and a high school girl, the boy (played by Drew) gets into a fight with his girlfriend (played by Ally) and after the fight he realizes his mistake that he made and ties to win her heart back by giving her a note. Well she ignores the note and just sticks it back in her locker. He realized that doesn't work so he went out and started buying all these different gifts like chocolate, a teddy bear and roses for her. Unfortunately, that doesn't work so he gives up. Later, the girl sees the note in her locker and realizes that she wants him back too so she goes to look for him, finds him and they get back together and heel click off into the sunset. In this video Drew plays as the high school boy, Ally plays as the high school girl, Diego is the Flirty Hunk/Assistant and I was the Director and played as the store employee. This video was my favorite assignment out of all the other ones that we have done.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Chase

In the making of "The Chase" I learned how to use ISMFilms and that there are multiple ways to edit your audio. (Such as background noise and music.) I also learned how to use the keys: J, K and L. I learned the "J" is meant for rewinding the video. The key "K" is for pausing the video and that "L" is for fast forwarding the video. On my next project, I plan to have a lot more shots than what I have in this project, I think it is a lot more interesting if you have a bigger variety of shots in your video.
The collaboration with the other 2 partners I had went great. Nothing really changed with the collaboration on this project. (Except that I was a little more quiet with this group.)
On the next project we have I will try to give my input more often so the collaboration is better for the group. The more opinions, the better we talk and collaborate with each other.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Brooke Likes Dancing (6 Shot Sequence)

The 6 shots are over the shoulder, extra close up, close up, medium shot, wide shot and extra wide shot. All of these shots are in the video of Brooke dancing, which she really likes to do! She seems like a hardcore dancer. I reviewed how to use the six shot sequence in this video, and the collaboration with Brooke and Stockton went great, we all got along very well and didn't question each others' work or why we were using a specific shot.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Pop Quiz (6 Shot Sequence)

This video is called: "The Pop Quiz". It's about a high school student that is in class and the teacher announces a pop quiz. The student freaks out and doesn't know what to circle, so he circles random answers, turns it in and gets a good grade on it. (Starring Drew and Brendan)

While making this video, I learned that story boarding is one of the most important things to do while making a video. Also, I learned to not let Drew get distracted. This video is one of the better videos I have done, this was a fun project!